Family & Divorce Mediation
What is Mediation?
Mediation is where a professionally trained, impartial mediator helps you resolve disputes without expensive legal fees or long drawn out court battles. The aim of mediation is for both parties to reach a mutually acceptable outcome that feels fair. Its is a confidential and voluntary process. You make the decisions, the mediator simply facilitates your negotiations and guides you along.
When couples separate its often difficult enough to talk to your ex about simple things let alone make important decisions about financial, property and family issues. However, the issue of who will do/have/get what from here onwards, absolutely needs to be resolved now that you are no longer in a partnership. The quicker and least conflictual way this is done, the less emotional damage on children. You and your family can also move on with your lives sooner. But it can be hard to do on your own. Which is where a supportive, independent family mediator can assist.
My Role as Your Mediator
I am not the decision maker, rather I help you unpack the important issues and steer you effectively towards an outcome that you can both live with. I will provide information about your legal rights and responsibilities as well as information about what is developmentally appropriate for your children so that you can make informed decisions. I have undergone training to be a Family and Divorce Mediator that has been accredited with the National Accreditation Board of Family Mediators (NABFAM).
What You Get at the End
At the end of the mediation process you will receive a formal record of your agreement called a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which both parties sign. It is not legally binding but rather a ‘good faith’ agreement. It can however be made legally binding if incorporated into a settlement agreement. You will also get a Parenting Plan document which is legally binding.
Parenting Plans
A parenting plan is a document that outlines how you will go about making key decisions about your children. This includes where they live, when each parent gets to see them ordinarily and during holidays and special events like birthdays, how children will be financially maintained, how you will communicate to each other about the children, who the children will associate with, education, discipline, medical issues, religion, how to introduce new partners and many more items that are relevant to your unique circumstances. I will assist you in drafting one that you are both in agreement with.
Why Mediation is Preferable to Litigation
Reaching a comprehensive outcome is usually much faster than going through the legal system.
Mediation is far cheaper than litigation. Fewer professionals and experts are required.
You have a say in every step of the decision making process as opposed to a judge or other experts deciding for you.
Being informal you can come up with creative ways to suit your unique needs. If circumstances change, eg. kids growing up, changes are quick and easy. Being a voluntary process, you can also walk away at any time.
Less Family Stress
Less upsetting for everyone including children. Their best interests are always considered. It builds healthy communication and problem-solving skills that can make co-parenting way less painful in the years to come.
Without Prejudice
You can be honest about aspects of the dispute and make suggestions without fear that it will later be used against you in court.
“ A survey of 2165 mediation cases found that those who participated in mediation reached a complete or partial agreement in over 70% of cases” (2019)
Typical Issues that can be Resolved in Mediation
Separation & Divorce
Separation of Assets, Maintenance, Physical Separation.
Where children will stay, contact schedules, decision making, guardianship disputes, relocation.
When guidelines are needed for a smooth experience of living together with other people.
Family Issues
Attending to the full range of family conflicts.
To make a booking contact me using any of the methods that you find on the contact page. I use the counselling booking platform (SME Metrics) for mediation bookings as well so do not be alarmed if your appointment reminder says it is a counselling session. When stating your request specify “mediation session”.
To book online, simply click on the ‘Make a Booking’ button and you will be redirected to a calendar where you can request the available slot that best suits you. If your request is possible you will get a confirmation that it has been accepted. Your appointment is NOT confirmed until your request is accepted! If you have trouble getting the timeslot you prefer, contact me and I will assist you as best as possible.