about me

My Psychology Journey

Born in Durban, South Africa, I emigrated to New Zealand with family when I was eight years old. I went through schooling there and finished a Bachelors’ degree in Psychology in 1999 at the University of Auckland. Thereafter I felt the urge to explore so I spent a decade in Europe, where I worked a variety of jobs including make-up artistry, English language teaching and waitering. At some point I went in search of purpose and realised that I was passionate about helping people and that my calling was to be a healer. Ironically, my path of self-discovery had lead me back to psychology.

After returning home to South Africa, I completed Honours and Masters in Counselling Psychology at WITS University before interning at Helen Joseph and Rahima Moosa hospitals. I then worked at the Student Counselling Centre at The University of Johannesburg for eight years, where I honed a range of skills most notably psychotherapy, running psycho-social workshops and community psychology campaigns as well as training and developing intern and student psychologists.


Soon after qualifying in 2014 I also began a small private practice which has grown to a full time business, currently offering therapy and psychological services to a range of individual and corporate clients. I specialize in cognitive, mindful and psychodynamic approaches to therapy but am also well versed in DBT, Mentalisation Based Therapy and Solution Focused Therapy. I believe in tailoring my approach so that clients can reach their goals in the most efficient and effective way as possible.


Yolan Moodley

“ Change does not have to be scary. It can be liberating. It begins with your willingness to take that first brave step.”

Yolan Moodley

My Approach to Counselling

Most people just want to be happy. While that can certainly be achieved through counselling, I believe happiness is an emotion, like others, that comes and goes. Instead I work with you to create more peace, joy and fulfilment in your life. These are deeper long-lasting goals that are the foundation of life satisfaction. As well as the specific concern you wish to work on, I aim to help you connect with who you really are as a person and facilitate the path to who you would like to be.


I like to work with people holistically. By that I mean that I help people integrate their emotions, thought patterns, body awareness and social functioning into a fully functional whole. Together we face the truth that lies inside, with curiosity, compassion and acceptance.